
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Semester Endgame

    1. I actually do find myself reading my friend's work online. I like to read their posts to see what ideas they had on the topic that I have to write about. I like seeing the different point of views compared to my own. After every assignment, I check everybody's blog who sits at my table and occasionally some others as well to see what they had to say. Sometimes I will read other people's blogs to see what they have posted that I don't. I also read others blogs for ideas when I am stumped on the topic we are given to write. I like reading others blogs and I feel like if I didn’t understand the reading that well, by looking at how other people viewed the story and their ideas on the topic, it helps me to better understand it as well.
    2. I think that the always visible course blog has made it different from other courses without a blog because I know that everybody can see my work. Other people in my class can actually benefit from my work by reading what my ideas on a subject are whenever they want. If the blog suddenly disappeared tomorrow, I would feel like all this work that I put into my blog was for nothing. I am tired of the old traditional classroom setting and I would be bummed out if we had to go back to text books and turning in homework.
    3. Publishing work for the public to see has changed my approach to completing an assignment because I feel like I actually need to know my information before I post something on a topic. Some random person can come across my blog that knows a lot more about a subject than I do and read my perspective on it and think I am a complete idiot. So I find myself putting in extra research to make sure that I have my facts straight. If I couldn’t post my work online, I would actually be kind of relieved. To be honest, I would be able to do the bare minimum to just get my homework turned in or not complete questions that I don’t know. So this is actually kind of a good thing I guess because I have to actually research things that I don’t know and have to complete my post.
    4. I like how in class all we do is talk about the work that we did online the night before and what we need to do online for the current day. It is a nice break in the day to relax and just discuss what I have already learned. The learning happens at home when i am doing my assignment and looking up information on different websites or reading stories online that I need to answer questions on.
    5. I would say that seriously it is the learning of the future. Just imagine if the entire country's English classes collaborated online to study for tests. I could have a discussion with somebody over in Florida who has the take the same test as me the next day. I feel like the whole entire country as a whole would do better and have millions of different perspectives behind them when it came to the AP test questions.
    6. They think that it is pretty interesting. My sister believes that Dr. Preston is onto something here that not many people realize. My mom thinks that it would be cool to talk with other people around the world about a class subject and help each other out.
    7. They share the same ideas about the class as i do. I feel that in a few years, everything will be online and we might not even need to go to a classroom.

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