
Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocab List #3

Accolade - any award,honor, or laudatory notice.
Acerbity- sourness,with roughness or astringency of taste.
Attrition- a reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength.
Bromide- a platitude or trite saying.
Chauvinist-a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic, especially one devoted to military glory.
Chronic-constant; habitual; inveterate.
Expound-to set forth or state in detail.
Immaculate- free from spot or stain; spotlessly clean.
Imprecation- a curse;malediction.
Ineluctable- incapable of being evaded; inescapable.
Mercurial-changeable; volatile;fickle; flighty;erratic.
Palliate- to relieve or lessen without curing.
Protocol-the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality,precedence, and etiquette.
Resplendent-shining brilliantly;gleaming; splendid.
Stigmatize-to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon.
Sub Rosa- confidentially; secretly;privately.
Vainglory- excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities,etc.; boastful vanity.
Vestige- a mark, trace,or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence.
Volition- the act of willing, choosing,or resolving;exercise of willing.

After graduating college, I was given a car as an accolade.
The food was acerbity in my mouth.
My team had an attrition when our best players quit.
My family is so bromide. I always need to find a way to entertain myself when around them.
After leaving the military, my grandpa has been a chauvinist.
I get chronic migraines all the time.
The movie producer expounded his ideas to his cast.
It is hard to avoid factionalism in life.
After washing the car, it was immaculate.
I do not want to have an imprecation that ruins my life.
After hitting the bird with my car, I realized it was ineluctable.
Because of the boy's mercurial attitude, he had a lot of friends.
The Advil will definitely palliate my headache.
The army commander was just following protocol.
The gold I found on the ground was resplendent.
I never want my family to stigmatize me.
I had a meeting with the principal sub rosa.
I hate when people are vainglory around me.
I was finally able to volition the problem

1. Shield became ruler of the Danes by fear, no one would challenge his rule because of his power. When he died, he was put in a boat full of riches and sent off to sea. Sheild is Hrothgar's grandfather.
Heorot is attacked:
1. Hrothgar made a place of merry, a sort of hall for feasting and festivity. Grendel spawn of Cain attacked this place, killing many Danes every time he went. The Danes attempted to fight him but failed, and eventually left.
The Hero Comes to Heorot:
1. Beowulf hears of Grendel and seeks to fight him and win glory, and heads to Heorot.
2. The Geats are first greeted by a hostile watchman, who demands to know who they are. Beowulf answers, stating he is son of Ecgtheow, coming to do battle with Grendel.
3. Hrothgars herald is Wulfgar, who asks Hrothgar to see these men. Hrothgar knows of Beowulf because of his father, which is not surprising because it seems like warriors fame spread easily during those times.
4. Beowulf speaks of his recent defeat of five giants and states he will fight Grendel without armor. Hrothgar had helped the Geats pay and survive through a war.
Feast at Heorot:
1. Unferth acuses Beowulf of foolish pride trying to do what many Danes have failed to do, such as when he saw a risky seven day race against Breca which Beowulf lost, causing Unferth to question his commitment. Beowulf states why he lost the race due to sea fish, and that the contests was not one of war and that he will make Grendel pay for what he has done to the Danes, whom Beowulf seeks no feud with. This gives a slight view of Beowulf's motives and shows how strong his resolve is.
2.Queen Wealhtheow is offering drinks from the cup of the hall to everyone.
The Fight With Grendel:
1. Instead of arming for the fight, Beowulf takes his armor off so he is equal with Grendel.
2. Grendel enters seeing the sleeping men kills one. He reaches for Beowulf he grips Grendel with great strength. Grendel attempts to flee, and though immune to swords Grendel is held by Beowulf, who rips off Grendel's arm. Grendel runs to die in his moor.
Celebration at Heorot:
1. Beowulf is like Sigemund in how they both fought monsters and won glory, but not like Heremod who seized the treasure and power in greed and did not get glory.
2. Hrothgar is very happy, thanking God, Beowulf, and Beowulf's mother. Hrothgar gives Beowulf many riches of gold, weapons armor, and horses.

3.The story is about how the Danes lost battle to the king of the Frisians. When they realized that they had no way to win, they made a truce with the Frisians. They lived under the same ruler but separately. Using a woman showed wisdom because it combined the tribes.
4. Wealhtheow asks Hrothgar not to take Beowulf as his son because he already has sons.
5. The necklace will be worn by Beowulf’s king. At his last battle the Franks will steal it from his body. The queen asks Beowulf to protect her sons as she gives him the torque.
6. The men felt safe and guarded with Grendel gone.
Beowulf and Grendel's Mother:
1. Grendel's Mother comes to Heorot only because she wants revenge for her sons death, which isn't why Grendel went.
2. Grendel killed Hrothgars favorite thane. Hrothgar summons Beowulf, who had not slept in the hall that night.
3. The mere is a strange place where fire is seen upon the water, home of two giants, one Grendel's mother. It is an icy lake with many visible sea serpents.
Beowulf fights Grendel's mother:
1. Beowulf tells Hrothgar it is best to act and not sit and do nothing.
2. The mere is full of serpents. The warriors and him kill one and drag it out to see the horror.
3. Beowulf puts on his armor and gets ready. Unfreth offers his sword Hrunting which is a superior sword. The Sword Beowulf takes is a very special sword that is supposed to never fail its warrior.
4. Grendel's mother drags Beowulf to her undersea lair so the monsters wont interfere.
5. The sword has no effect on Grendel's mother.
6. Beowulf's armor saves him from Grendel's mothers knife.
7. Beowulf finds a sword crafted by giants and strikes Grendel's mother in the neck, seeing Grendel's body, taking Grendel's head and his own sword. The sword of the giants had been made useless by the hot blood of the monsters.
8. Beouwlf returns to a few loyal warriors who had doubted his return but rejoice in it.
Further Celebration at Heorot:
1. Beowulf gives Hrothgar the hilt of the sword he used to kill Grendel's mother.
2. Hrothgar talks about Heremod who abused his power by being ruthless and not rewarding the deserving. He warns Beowulf not to make the same mistake, and to bane the thoughts of selfishness.
3. Beowulf returns Hrunting to Unferth.
Beowulf Returns Home:
1. Hrothgar predicts that Beowulf will become king of the Geats.
2. Hygd is the queen of the Geats, and is unlike Modthryth because Modthryth was a very cruel queen.
3. Hrothgar hopes that the marriage of his daughter will end fighting between the Danes and the Heathobards. He thinks the feud will start all over again. Beowulf is thinking through the situation for once.
4. Beowulf tells the story with great pride and honor, but does not lie.
5. Beowulf offered his treasures to hos leader Hygelac, who gives him a suit of armor and sword given to him by Hrothgar.
The Dragon Awakes:
1. It is 50 years later, and King Hygelac is dead and Beowulf rules. But now, a dragon is threating the Geats.
2. The Dragon hoards gold because he is greedy and has a big collection. His favorite peice, a gold cup, was stolen by a runaway slave who succumbed to temptation, which angered the dragon.
3. The Dragon attacked the town, burning down Beowulf's home.
4. Beowulf believes he angered God in some way to deserve this. He orders an iron shield to protect against fire and expects to take down the dragon and die trying.
5. Hygelac died in battle in the land of Frisian.
6. Headred was killed by Onela,and Beowulf was left to be king and pursued Onela.
7. Eleven others.
8. Herebeald was accidently killed by Haethkyn. King Hrethel was forced to punish Haethkyn and was mournful and became a bad king. The Swedes and the Geats had a feud and had been at war with many prominent people dying on both sides.
Beowulf attacks the Dragon:
1. Beowulf tells his companions to not interfere.
2. Beowulf is bested by the Drgaon the first time his attacks and defense weak. His companions flee but one stays. Wiglaf is his name, and unlike the others he is brave and stands beside his king. He yells for his king to fight for his life.
3. The second time Beowulf and dragon meet, Wiglaf had to hide behind Beowulf's iron shield for protection and Beowulf struck the dragon on the head with the sword, but it broke. The dragon bites Beowulf in the neck. But with Wiglaf's help they are able to weaken the dragon then kills it striking at its exposed belly.
4. Dying Beowulf asks to see the riches he died for. When he sees it Beowulf thanks God for these gifts for his people, and asks that the lair becomes Beowulf's Barrow so people will remember him.
Beowulf's Funeral:
1. The companions see Wiglaf trying to revive a dead Beowulf. The companions know they failed their leader in his time of need because they were afraid and know death would be better for them.
2. The messenger tells the city of their kings defeat. ?
3. Wiglaf tells the crowd who came to see Beowulf dead that the hoard of treasure was theirs and that the kind had died for it and the lair would become his great resting place.
4. The dragon was dragged to the sea.
5. The people mourned and built a mound around their king. Everyone honored the Geat most worthy of praise.
6. These last lines seem to describe a kind caring person which Beowulf was but does not describe his ferocity in battle.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Laughing Heart (Charles Bukowski)

For some reason, blogger won't let me post this video of me reciting The Laughing Heart by (Charles Bukowski) from youtube. So here is the URL link.

Reflections on Week 1

  1. Unlike most people, I do not own a smart phone, so I can not check the blog through my phone when I do not have access to a computer. I am sure it will not be a big deal though. I also live between two different houses, so sometimes one book will be at one house and another will be at the other house. I usually am able to work around that though. I love the idea of partners in this class because it will help me stay on track whether it be me reminding him to do something or the other way around. I also have some family members that are Righetti alumni that I can call if I ever have any problems. Lastly, I play water polo and have morning practice from 6 A.M to 7 A.M every morning and practice from 3 P.M to 5 P.M every afternoon. This gives me less time to do homework after I eat dinner. I am committed to this class though, and I will do everything I can to succeed.
  2. The best learning experience I have ever had was when I went to Washington D.C. It was so great because I went with my 8th grade class and all of my friends. I was able to see all of the historic buildings and sites in and around Washington D.C. I feel the reason that I learned so much was because of the combination of prior study and the visual experience of actually seeing the things I had read about. I feel that I am a visual learner, and this trip confirmed that idea.
  3. I would have to say that I am concerned with the workload in this class. I have a lot of homework in other classes that I will have to manage. I love the different style of class and the uniqueness of it. I look forward to learning about all sorts of literature. I am also glad to learn how to adapt to the internet and use it in ways that I never thought I would use it. As the world moves on in time, technology is getting more and more advanced. If we do not learn how to use it for something as simple as English, we are doomed in the near future. Lastly I can already tell that this class is going to help me with college choices and guide me on what I need to be doing as I search.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Montaigne essay

I actually feel that on the essay in class today, I wrote mostly what I wanted to say. I did want to elaborate a little more on some of my points, but overall I feel satisfied. My handwriting was pretty bad because I was rushing through it. I actually enjoyed the interruption today. It allowed me to gather my thoughts and the whole time we were walking, I was thinking about what my essay should be about and how I should put it together. Sitting at a desk thinking, "I have to hurry!" is nerve-racking and actually makes me panic. Getting some fresh air and relaxing helped a little.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Assignment #1

My reason for taking this course is to experience an English class that is taught in a completely different way than most. I look forward to the course expanding my knowledge of literature and composition, and hopefully I'll get the chance to think outside of the box. I am also taking it because of the AP test and the weighted grade points for my GPA. I am nervous about having to read a lot at home because of my busy schedule and the large amount of time I will be spending on college applications and tests. My goal for the course is to complete all of my work to the best of my ability and earn an A while doing it. Literature expands knowledge and thinking in every way imaginable. I expect that through this course, I will discover new perspectives and ideas through the words of many authors.